Extra large table
Example of extra large table sizing using .table-xl class added to the .table. All table rows have 60px height in REM units.
# First Name Last Name Username
1 Eugene Kopyov @Kopyov
2 Victoria Baker @Vicky
3 James Alexander @Alex
4 Franklin Morrison @Frank
5 Winnie the Pooh @Winnie
6 Garry Smith @Garry
7 Ian Berg @Ian
Large table
Example of large table sizing using .table-lg class added to the .table. All table rows have 53px height in REM units.
# First Name Last Name Username
1 Eugene Kopyov @Kopyov
2 Victoria Baker @Vicky
3 James Alexander @Alex
4 Franklin Morrison @Frank
5 Winnie the Pooh @Winnie
6 Garry Smith @Garry
7 Ian Berg @Ian
Default table
Example of default table sizing. This table doesn't require any additional classes in .table container. All table rows have 44px height in REM units.
# First Name Last Name Username
1 Eugene Kopyov @Kopyov
2 Victoria Baker @Vicky
3 James Alexander @Alex
4 Franklin Morrison @Frank
5 Winnie the Pooh @Winnie
6 Garry Smith @Garry
7 Ian Berg @Ian
Small table
Example of small table sizing using .table-sm class added to the .table. All table rows have 40px height in REM units.
# First Name Last Name Username
1 Eugene Kopyov @Kopyov
2 Victoria Baker @Vicky
3 James Alexander @Alex
4 Franklin Morrison @Frank
5 Winnie the Pooh @Winnie
6 Garry Smith @Garry
7 Ian Berg @Ian
Mini table
Example of mini table sizing using .table-xs class added to the .table. All table rows have 36px height in REM units.
# First Name Last Name Username
1 Eugene Kopyov @Kopyov
2 Victoria Baker @Vicky
3 James Alexander @Alex
4 Franklin Morrison @Frank
5 Winnie the Pooh @Winnie
6 Garry Smith @Garry
7 Ian Berg @Ian